Now concentrate on this image for a few seconds…fix your mind close your eyes and do the dhyana while chanting the sloka given below….during this dhyana ( Meditation ) your entire concentration should be on the top of your inner head centering on the sahasrahara chakra
Dhyana :
Atha aghora manum vakshye yena siddhyanti sadhakah |
karaamlaka-vad vishvam yasya samsmaranad api Cmaya-rama.ankushaananga-vadhu-vagbhava-garudaih |
yogini-shakini-kali-phetkari-krodha-bijakaih ||
sambodhanam aghorayah siddhim me dehi choddharet |
tatash cha dapayet yuktva svahanto munir ishyate ||
panchavimshaty aksharo .ayam mantro vanchita siddhikr^it |
atha dhyanam vyaharami yena mantrah prasiddhyati ||
susnigdha-kajjala-grava-tulyaavayava-rochisham |
vishalavartula-rakta-nayana-tritayanvitam ||
shveta-nrasthi-kritakalpa-samujjvala-tanuc-chavim |
digambaram muktakeshim nri-munda-krita-kundalam ||
shavopari samarudham damshta-vikata-darshanam |
dvi-bhujam marjani-shurpa-hastam pitrivana-sthitam ||
(kamakala kali khanda(8.277-283) of the panchashat sahasryam mahakala samhita )
(the above deity is dressed with the skin of tiger and elephant and holds in his hands trishula, pinaka, chakra, pashupata, khatvanga, khadga, tomara, bhindipala. he is surrounded by 7 dhumavatis, each with 4 canine teeth, holding skull bowls with red madha and cleavers, crows are perched on their shoulders, they wear
clothing of pretas, and are howling hideously)
Om namo mahabhairavaya vikruta damshtrogra-rupaya pingalakshaya
trishula-khadga-dharaya vaushat |