Basic astrology to have a better understanding about the subject
The Zodiac or the Rasi Mandal is divided in to 12 divisions namely Rasis or Signs or houses spread over from 0° to 360°, thus each Rasi or sign is measured to 30°. All the 27 stars starting from Aswini to Revathi are embedded in these 12 houses. So that each star measures to 13°20” and size of each quarter or Pada of Star is 3°20”.So one sign consists of 2 and a quarter of stars or 9 padas . The first sign in the Zodic i.e., the Aries or Mesam consists of the stars Aswathi 13°20”, Bharani 13°20’’ and Kritika 1stpada 3°20” so the total size of the sign Aries is 30° and so on. Every house has its own characteristics and significance regarding human life and each controls some part of human body.Here is the table showing the 27 stars or Nakshatras and their qualities…it is only of a bird’s eye view..just to have an idea of the stars,ruling planets,Yoni,group (Ghan) and their ruling deities etc.,.
Name of the Nakshatra/Star |
Stellar Lord |
Yoni |
Group (Ghan) |
Ruling Deity |
1. Ashwini. |
Ketu |
male Horse |
Deva |
Ashwini Kumar |
2. Bharani |
Venus |
male Elephant |
Manushya |
Yama |
3. Krittika. |
Sun |
female Goat |
Rakshasa |
Agni |
4. Rohini. |
Moon |
male Serpent |
Manushya |
Brahma |
5. Mrigasira. |
Mars |
female Serpent |
Deva |
Soma |
6. Ardra |
Rahu |
male Dog |
Manushya |
Rudra |
7. P.vasu. |
Jupiter |
female Cat |
Deva |
Aditi |
8. Pushya |
Saturn |
male Goat |
Deva |
Brihaspati |
9. Aslesha. |
Mercury |
male Cat |
Rakshasa |
Ahi |
10. Magha. |
Ketu |
male Rat |
Rakshasa |
Pitragana |
11. P.Phalguni. |
Venus |
female Rat |
Manushya |
Bhagya |
12. U. halguni. |
Sun |
ox |
Manushya |
Surya |
13. Hasta. |
Moon |
female Buffalo |
Deva |
Savita |
14. Chitra. |
Mars |
male Tiger |
Rakshasa |
Vishwakarma |
15. Swati. |
Rahu |
male Buffalo |
Deva |
Pawan |
16. Visakha. |
Jupiter |
female Tiger |
Rakshasa |
Satragni |
17. Anuradha. |
Saturn |
female Deer |
Deva |
Mitra |
18. Jyestha. |
Mercury |
male Deer |
Rakshasa |
Indra |
19. Moola. |
Ketu |
female Dog |
Rakshasa |
Nirriti |
20. P.asadha. |
Venus |
male Monkey |
Manushya |
Toya |
21. U.asadha. |
Sun |
Mongoose |
Manushya |
Vishwadeva |
22. Shravana. |
Moon |
female Monkey |
Deva |
Hari |
23. Dhanista. |
Mars |
female Lion |
Rakshasa |
Vasu |
24. Satabisa. |
Rahu |
female Horse |
Rakshasa |
Varuna |
25. P.Bhadra. |
Jupiter |
male Lion |
Manushya |
Ajapada |
26. U.Bhadra. |
Saturn |
Cow |
Manushya |
Abhibadhnu |
27. Revati |
Mercury |
female Elephant |
Deva |
Push |
Table giving the necessary details of the 12 Rasis/ signs of the zodiac
No | Rasi /sign Indian Name | Rasi /sign English Name | Ruling Planet | Nature of the sign | Element | Gender |
Size of the sign/Rasi |
1. | Mesha | ARIES | Mars | cardinal | Fire | Male | 0-30° |
2. | Rishaba | TAURUS | Venus | fixed | Earth | Female | 31-60° |
3. | Mithuna | GEMINI | Mercury | mutable | Air | Male | 61-90° |
4. | Kataka | CANCER | Moon | cardinal | Water | Female | 91-120° |
5. | Simha | LEO | Sun | fixed | Fire | Male | 121-150° |
6. | Kanya | VIRGO | Mercury | mutable | Earth | Female | 151-180° |
7. | Thula | LIBRA | Venus | cardinal | Air | Male | 181-210° |
8. | Vrischika | SCORPIO | Mars | fixed | Water | Female | 211-240° |
9. | Dhanush | SAGITTARIUS | Jupiter | mutable | Fire | Male | 241-270° |
10. | Makara | CAPRICORN | Saturn | cardinal | Earth | Female | 271-300° |
11. | Kumbha | AQUARIUS | Saturn | fixed | Air | Male | 301-330° |
12. | Meena | PISCES | Jupiter | mutable | Water | Female | 331-360° |
The indication of each house starting from the first to the twelfth house of the Zodiac.
First House:First house indicates one’s appearance, qualities and nature. It is most imperative house that shows your overall personality, nobility, honor, dignity, aggression, enthusiasm and egotism. Second House: This house denotes wealth, property, assets, prosperity, material goods, earning and success of human being. Third House:This is also called the house of communications. It is very significant house in horoscope to analyze your mental ability, to know about your education, study and childhood background. It also reveals your writings, you and your sibling’s compatibility and best auspicious moment for you to start short journey.
Fourth House:Fourth house is associated with home and family and represents your domestic relationship, condition and background, your affinity with parents & family, interpret your mother and father and also describe feeling, luxury, property, pleasure.
Fifth House:This house indictes Children, intellect, wisdom, learning, emotion, religion and spirituality. It also shows your artistic talent, hobbies, sports and other competitive activity.
Sixth House:This house governs health and disease related issues, medicines, opponent & adversary, physical or mental strain, damage, improving things, services given to others, dexterity and self improvement. Seventh House:This house rules marital life, marriage and relationship with life partner. It also discloses compatibility of your business partner and auspicious time for long journeys.
Eighth House:It is a very important house as it incates life,longevity,debts, illness, death, short life and sexuality. It also represents some misfortune as thievery, robbery, grief, strife and other damage. You may experience unhappiness, sorrow and fears.
Ninth House:This house is represents philosophies and religion and really valuable for analyzing your long journeys, foreign visits,relation with siblings, your life visions and dreams.
Tenth House:This house is also called as House of kingdom or Rajya Stana. popularity,fame and name,promotion opportunity and it also helps to describe affairs of the country and government.
Tenth house denotes career or profession, business profit and losses, success in any occupation , Eleventh House:This house connected with financial condition of employer, and circumstances that are beyond your control. hopes and friendship, your dreams and wishes accomplishment, obtains profit from business and work, your friends and associates compatibility.
Twelfth House:The Twelfth house is concerned with problems and overseas journey,karma. It is related to hospitals, prison, misery, unidentified foe, seclusion, sudden dilemma.
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