Astrology is known as “ Jyotisha ” in Sanskrit which denotes the study of luminous objects , the planets in the solar system. The study of the influence that distant cosmic objects, usually the stars and the planets, have on human lives. The position of the Sun, stars, Moon and the other planets at the time of native’s birth which is determined by the first cry and not at the time of the conception , is said to shape their personality, affect their attitude, qualities, ,romantic relationships and predict their financial success, among other things.
Believe me, Its origin dates back to time immemorial.The great astrological work “Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra” was the oldest one and it was written by the great Sage Parashara, father of the Sage Vedavyasa who was the compiler of the Epic Mahabharata for the benefit of the people of the Kaliyuga. The foundation of Hindu astrology is the notion of bandhu of the Vedas, (scriptures), which is the connection between the microcosm and the macrocosm. Practice relies primarily on the sidereal zodiac, which is different from the tropical zodiac used in Western (Hellenistic) astrology in that an ayanāṁśa adjustment is made for the gradual precession of the vernal equinox.
The Hindu astrology includes several nuanced sub-systems of interpretation and prediction with elements not found in Hellenistic astrology, such as its system of lunar mansions (Nakṣatra). It was only after the transmission of Hellenistic astrology that the order of planets in India was fixed in that of the seven-day week. Hellenistic astrology and astronomy also transmitted the twelve zodiacal signs beginning with Aries and the twelve astrological places beginning with the ascendant.
So Astrology The first evidence of the introduction of Greek astrology to India is the Yavanajātaka which dates to the early centuries. The Yavana Jātaka ( Astrolgy by the Greeks) was translated from Greek to Sanskrit by Yavaneśvara during the 2nd century CE, under the patronage of the Western Satrap Saka king Rudradaman and is considered the first Indian astrological treatise in the Sanskrit language.However the only version that survives is the later verse version of Sphujidhvaja which dates to AD 270.The first Indian astronomical text to define the weekday was the Āryabhaṭīya of Āryabhaṭa (born AD 476). Brihat Jataka , a great classical work in Astrology was contributed by Varaha Mihira who was one of the Nine Gems,(Navaratna ), in the court of the great king, Vikramaditya of Ujjain. He belongs to 100 BC and others say it was 500 AD. He was the first one to mention in his work Pancha Siddhantika that the ayanamsa, or the shifting of the equinox is 50.32 seconds.Varahamihira’s other most important contribution is the encyclopedic “ Brihat-Samhita”. His son Prithuyasas has contributed the “Hora Saara” to the Hindu astrology. We have explained the following in detail.We shall add more on it.
Marriage Compatibility and star matching ( Love Astrology )
Finding your lucky time
Remedial Astrology ( Pariharams )
Rahu Kalam ( correct method )
Auspicious timings
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